Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Hospital Botch Job--My poor BABY!

I was shocked! He doesn't look like my beautiful boy at all! They must have pinched him right before they snapped the picture! He really was cuter than that!

It’s a Boy!Mercy Regional Health Center is pleased to introduce you to Jaxon Becker and would like to congratulate the proud parents Jennifer and Brady on their precious gift of life.

Jaxon Becker
Jennifer and Brady
Date of Birth: 05/23/2006
Time: 5.16 pm
Weight: 8lbs. 1oz. (wrong--try 7lbs 5 oz)
Length: 2O inches

1 comment:

Dawn Allenbach said...

At least they didn't mess up on something serious -- like the date or his name or his parents' names.