Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sad, Lonely Baby

Look at my poor lonely baby. He is very, very sad because his Grandma Judy went home. He misses her sooooooooo much and is anxiously awaiting her return! She said he wouldn't miss her. Just one look and it is obvious that she was wrong! He looks really lonely as he pouts in the recliner all by himself!

Back to Work

I went back to work this weekend, and actually survived. I did my fair share of crying, but learned that it will be okay to leave my baby to work 20 hours a week! Jaxon did pretty good, but he did have a houseful of loved ones to keep him company. As you can see, he got lots of attention and didn't have time to get bored. Jada loves Jaxon and calls herself his "big sister". Tanner isn't impressed with him, but does like playing with his things. I know that will change when Jaxon gets a little older (those two will probably have too much fun). Grandma Judy was great, and helped Brady take care of my little man while I was at work. Brady did a great job, but he was more than a little nervous and grateful to have the expertise of my Mom in the house!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hot Morning!

We didn't have a/c this morning and Jaxon was not impressed! Tom acted quickly and got us a new unit and Jaxon had one thing to say--"Thank You, Uncle Tom".

Visit to Wichita

Jaxon and I went to Wichita this past week to support my friend Gina, after the loss of her Dad. We stayed at her house and saw lots of friends. I got pictures of Alyssa(Laurie's daughter) and Brianna (Jenni's daughter). We also saw my friend Jen's kids, but I didn't get the camera out--bummer, cuz they are super cute too--her two year old son Josh is soooooo adorable--it will be fun to have a toddling little boy!

Here is Jaxon with the shorts Gina and her Mom, Sue, bought him. They are so thoughtful, and gave Jaxon such nice things! Despite the circumstances, we had a nice time. Jaxon has people that love him wherever we go--it is so nice!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Mommy loves Me!

My Mommy sure thinks I am cute. She is always taking my picture --how silly! Won't she be excited when I can actually smile at her or pose for a picture!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

New Swing!

I got a new swing yesterday from Tom & Janet. I like it just as much as the one Jada & Tanner gave me (it quit working). My Mommy was so excited about the swing. I slept all day yesterday, and she thought it would help occupy me last night. Nope--all I wanted last night was to be close to Mommy. She was okay with that because she loves her snuggle time with me, but she will definitely sneak in a nap today.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Now and then--how he has grown!

He is 22 days old in the first picture and 2 days old in the second one--he sure has grown!

Soooooooooooo Sweet!

Isn't he sweet! Thank you Aunt Jessica and cousin Tanner for the adorable outfit he is wearing! Jaxon has chubby little thighs now (You can't call him puny anymore Grandma Judy). He did have some very skinny legs for awhile, but not anymore! Check out the picture below in his blue onesie for a glimpse!

Jaxon has learned that if he cries, I run, and this morning I heard a new cry that was super cute! It wasn't like his "I am hungry" cry or any of the cries I have heard before. It was sorta like "I am bored". It is amazing how smart they are!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Simply Adorable!

Thank you Chara for buying this outfit for me--Don't I look cute?!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Approaching 3 Weeks!

I had to cry today! Jaxon is getting sooooooooo big! He has grown out of all of his newborn stuff, and fits well in most of his 0-3 month stuff. He will be 3 Weeks old on Tuesday! Time definitely flies when you are having fun. . . these have been the best 3 weeks ever and they went by in a flash!

The Hospital Botch Job--My poor BABY!

I was shocked! He doesn't look like my beautiful boy at all! They must have pinched him right before they snapped the picture! He really was cuter than that!

It’s a Boy!Mercy Regional Health Center is pleased to introduce you to Jaxon Becker and would like to congratulate the proud parents Jennifer and Brady on their precious gift of life.

Jaxon Becker
Jennifer and Brady
Date of Birth: 05/23/2006
Time: 5.16 pm
Weight: 8lbs. 1oz. (wrong--try 7lbs 5 oz)
Length: 2O inches

Friday, June 09, 2006

Monkey See . . Monkey Do!

Chara wanted Jaxon's picture taken with the adorable build-a-bear monkey she gave him . . I'll bet she didn't expect this!

Shiloh has nothin on Jaxon!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I have my Mommy's Wild hair!

I may look like my Daddy, but this wild hair is definitely from My Mom! Her hair looked like this when she was a baby! I coulda gotten my Daddy's curls, but NO, I got this wild stuff! I am still pretty cute, though! If my Mommy woulda combed my hair after my bath it wouldn't be so funky, but she was making me feel better (I cried and cried tonight). Baths aren't that much fun yet!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

So Alert!

Jaxon has been so alert the last couple of days! He is really studying people's faces, and has had longer awake periods! The ladies from the health department came by today for a newborn visit. According to their scale, Jaxon weighed 7lb 11oz. He is gaining! They also brought lots of information for me to read and a brightly colored book for Jaxon to look at during tummy time--Bobby and Angie are great and have helped me so much.

My Little Monkey!!

This little monkey woke up at 3:30 this a.m. and absolutely refused to go back to bed. The only place he wants to sleep is his boppy. Last night when he did this, we put him and his boppy in his cradle, but that didn't even work this morning! What a monkey!! We will definitely have to take a nap today.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Busy Day!

We had a busy day today! We got up and went to IHOP for breakfast, and then spent some time with Grandma Leanna and Great-Grandma and Great Grandpa Becker. We followed that with some shopping before attending Kristin Whitehair's (Brady's bosses daughter) wedding reception. We are finally home and Jaxon is wiped out! Doesn't he look adorable in his dress clothes?!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

First Pictures

Jaxon had his first pictures taken Friday and I must say he did a great job. He even smiled for the camera! What an amazing child--ok, ok so he must have been a little gassy, but the pics are really cute!! I am soooo proud of my beautiful boy!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Grandma Judy Coming to Visit!

We got the news today that Grandma Judy is coming back for a visit at the end of the month. We are soooooo happy. She will be here when I go back to work to help Brady take care of Jaxon's needs. What a relief to have her assistance. Knowing she will be here will make it sooo much easier to go in--I know I will still be a blubbering mess, but it will be easier.

Jaxon got weighed today, and is only one ounce less than his birth weight. The ladies at the health department oohed and ahhed over him today when we went to breastfeeding group. They said he looks great and we seem to be on track--YAY!