Saturday, December 23, 2006
Let the Fun begin!
We are in Wyoming at my parents and are getting VERY excited about Christmas. My sister and her family will be arriving late tonight and I can't wait to get up in the morning to see them! This is my first Christmas as a Mom, and I think it is great!! My Christmas wish for several years was to have a baby, and my wish came true. Jaxon is here! My world is so much brighter with my little Christmas wish! Tomorrow we are going to do some Christmas crafts (Jaxon will have to watch), and Jada & I are also going to read lots of books. We will have Christmas tea and Cookies (Jaxon can even eat a cookie or two) and Santa is coming to bring an early present for Jaxon, Jada & Tanner!! What fun--and every Christmas from here on out will be more exciting than the last! Merry Christmas to all & to all a Good Night!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Ready for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Outfit Pic
Monday, December 04, 2006
Growing Boy

Jaxon is SO much fun! He is doing new things everyday! He refuses to eat commercial babyfood, and that worried me briefly, but all is well now. This weekend I gave him real peas, and he LOVED them! He did a great job gumming them and didn't even gag like he does when a spoonful of gerber fruit is popped into his little hatch! As you can see from the photo of him with his portable DVD player, he
has discovered a new way to watch TV. I walked out of the toyroom briefly and returned to find him interacting with the screen as Baby Einstein played on! The only problem at our house right now is I am SICK! I got a cold and it is getting worse instead of better. I lost my voice several days ago, and can't sing or read to Jaxon! That makes us both very SAD! Hopefully the Dr. will give me a quick fix today, and we will be singing and reading within 48 hours!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Christmas Preview--TMX ELMO!!

One of Jaxon's Christmas gifts arrived yesterday, and we just had to have a preview! As you can see in the picture, he was totally fascinated by Elmo & his antics! Yaa! He will be a success, just as I thought he would be! Jaxon LOVES watching Sesame Street and the puppet shows on his Baby Einstein videos, so I knew he would love having an animated character of his very own!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Baby Bunting!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
New Toy

I just had to buy this for Jaxon and he LOVES it! The only problem with it is that he thinks that when he is done playing with it, he can just stand up! It requires very close supervision! He likes to turn the little lamp on and off and move the hands on the little clock--what a Genius! (hmmmm could I be biased LOL)
Friday, November 10, 2006
New Hat from Momma
Monday, November 06, 2006
Time With Jill & girls!

We spent time with Jill, Whitney and Ella last weekend. I forgot my camera, but did manage to get a shot with my phone. We had a great time, and Jaxon absoluely loved playing with the girls. He totally ignored his Mommy, and on the way home he decided he needed his Mommy fix and cried and cried. I stopped twice to try and make him happy. He would smile while I was with him, but would start crying as soon as I got back into the driver's seat! It was not the most fun trip home. He didn't even enjoy watching his beloved Baby Einstein DVDs (And I tried 2 different ones)!

It is four-thirty in the morning, and I have been up with Jaxon for over 2 hours! The first hour was spent trying to get him to go back to sleep, but I gave up! He has been hanging out on the floor and watching TV for the last hour! I sure hope the reason he is up is because he is teething, because I don't want to do this all the time!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
My little Kewpie Doll!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
So Proud!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Happy Birthday Ike

Jaxon and I spent the evening at the Eisenhower center celebrating President Eisenhower's birthday. It was a really neat celebration and I am glad that we went! The first event of the evening was a 1956 presidential campaign vignette on the porch of Eisenhower's boyhood home. After that was an "Ike's Idol's" talent show featuring an Elvis impersonator. Jaxon absolutely loved the concert. He stood on my lap the whole time and was totally enthralled by the music. It was so much fun to see his reactions as he watched the program! Here he is crashed out after a busy evening! I forgot my camera, or I would have taken a picture in the totally cute outfit he wore. We will be back to the Eisenhower Center tomorrow, so will get a pic of him in front of Ike's boyhood home!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Busy Boy!

Jaxon is pretty happy to hang out in his snugli, but most of the time he is super busy. He is rolling around, sitting up, reaching for toys and growing up too fast. It is so much fun to watch him learn new things. He does something new almost every day! His personality is really
emerging as well. He has a bit of a temper, too (I am sure that must be from Brady LOL)! Right now he is playing on the floor. He is sucking on the fingers of his left hand and reaching for toys with his right hand. What a nut!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Rice Cereal
I couldn't resist letting Jaxon sample rice cereal with bananas! I don't know if he had fun, but I sure did! After the first bite, his eyes were as big as saucers--it was so cute. He made every face imaginable, from squinting, to frowning, and smiles. It is neat to watch him experience life!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Adorable PJ's
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Redneck Baby
Trip To Colorado
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Houseful of Fun!

We have had a great weekend with lots of visitors. We had Aunts & Uncles from California and Grandpa Gene also came! Jaxon was the center of attention and he absolutely LOVED it! They all oohed and ahhed over him, and spoiled him rotten. Aunt Jackie, Uncle Jack, Aunt Betty and Uncle Manuel bought him his own portable DVD player and baby einstein DVD. Pretty Kewl, huh!! We played cards, too and just had a blast!!!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
First Haircut!
I wish I could say that Jaxon sat so nice in the chair during his haircut, but that just isn't how it went. He did do really well for a little while, but then . . .the barber tried to hold his head still and Jaxon let him know he didn't like that. He didn't cry, but did the Jaxon screech that he does when he is frustrated. Our little man is showing us that he has a bit of a temper! Even with a little bit of a temper, he is still Mommy's little angel! And he sure is cute, too.

Thursday, August 31, 2006
Daddy's Outfit
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Checking out the Combine
My little man sure does look cute in his John Deere hat. He isn't all that impressed with the combine or the hat, but I am afraid that will change. It won't be long, and Jaxon will want to follow Brady everywhere he goes. The first time that happens, I will be an absolute mess!

Football Fan

Here is a pic of Jaxon watching football! I had him in his exersaucer Saturday morning and he started watching the TV, so I decided to change the channel to baby TV. When I did this, he quit watching! When I changed it back to the game, he would continue watching! I did this a couple of times, and he did the same thing. Daddy is so proud that his baby watched the football game! He is sure that this is the beginning of Jaxon's love for the game. I personally think he liked the colors of the uniforms better than the colors that were on the other channel, but only Jaxon knows.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Big Boy!

I put my baby in his crib for the first time tonight! I went up to check on him, and he looks so sweet sleeping in his big bed. It brought tears to my eyes to think about how fast he is growing! My little newborn is gone forever. The spunky, active little baby he is now is so much fun, but those newborn days were pretty special!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
All Jaxon!
It is funny that we spend so much money to buy cute clothes for babies, when they look the cutest in just a diaper!