Jaxon is SO much fun! He is doing new things everyday! He refuses to eat commercial babyfood, and that worried me briefly, but all is well now. This weekend I gave him real peas, and he LOVED them! He did a great job gumming them and didn't even gag like he does when a spoonful of gerber fruit is popped into his little hatch! As you can see from the photo of him with his portable DVD player, he
has discovered a new way to watch TV. I walked out of the toyroom briefly and returned to find him interacting with the screen as Baby Einstein played on! The only problem at our house right now is I am SICK! I got a cold and it is getting worse instead of better. I lost my voice several days ago, and can't sing or read to Jaxon! That makes us both very SAD! Hopefully the Dr. will give me a quick fix today, and we will be singing and reading within 48 hours!!
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