Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crazy Moment of the Day!

I put the tent up for the boys today, and thought it would be something fun they could do without getting into trouble. What was I thinking?! Of course they found trouble. They had been having a blast playing in their tent, so I thought it would be extra special if I gave them some M&M's to eat in their tent. Hard to get into trouble with M&M's, right? WRONG! At first, I could tell they were eating their candy and all was well. It didn't take long for Jaxon to change gears. He was soon dropping his M&M's all over the floor of the tent. I found both boys with hammers in hand, smashing the M&M's. I wasn't pleased at the time, but this evening as I write this, I am laughing at their creativity! They are creative! I'd have never guessed they would have done that! Boys . . . . . never a dull moment!

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