Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Time Away from Mom

Jaxon is leaving in the morning for Omaha, where he will spend 3 nights away from Momma! I am more than a little nervous. I have never been away from him for more than 24 hours! This is going to be hard for me. I know he is in good hands, cuz he will be with my Mom & sister, but . . . WOW! I had a talk with Brady about it (he is taking J to Omaha), and will have a talk with my Mom. This will be SO hard for me. I don't like being away from the little man, but I do want my Mom to be able to have quality time with him!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

So Sweet!

Bradyn just looked so cute with his little puppy pj's that I had to share it! I noticed today that Bradyn's eyes are turning brown! It is pretty exciting to think that he will possibly look like me! Jaxon is a Brady clone, so it is nice to know one of my children will look like he belongs to me! :o)

Saturday, March 08, 2008


It's been awhile, cuz I've been sending pics to my Mom with my cell. Here the latest pics of the boys--so cute~!