Hello! I figured it was time to change this blog, so it reflects the change to our family. Little Bradyn will be here before we know it. I have developed PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) so Bradyn will probably come early. My doctor is hoping to keep the little man in utero as long as possible. Her plans are to induce anywhere between the 10th & 20th of December. In the meantime, she has ordered lots of tests, and I am being monitored VERY closely. I have non-stress tests (where they monitor the baby's heartbeat for 20 minutes) twice a week, an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, and weekly appts. So far, so good. I am unable to work, and am supposed to take it easy all the time, which means no work, no housework and no major shopping trips. Sound like fun?--NO WAY! It is driving me crazy already. But it will be worth it when I deliver a healthy Bradyn. I do look forward to that! I am also very excited for Christmas. Having my second son is the only present I need! What a special time of year to have a baby! I will update if there are any changes, and of course when the little guy arrives!