Saturday, March 31, 2007


Jaxon loves to be outside, so we have been strolling around the yard almost everyday! It works great, because he gets to be outside without having the opportunity to eat dirt, and I get some exercise!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

First Playdate at Home

Jaxon had his first playdate at home last week. Cody came for the afternoon and they played really well together. Can you believe that Cody is 2 weeks younger than Jaxon?!

Bathtime with the Cousins

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Omaha to see my parents and my sister & her family. The kids had a really good time together. Jaxon has really started enjoying kids.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

My favorite pic yet!

Okay, everybody?! What do you think of this pic of Jaxon? I absolutely love it! My goal in having it taken was to capture the "essence" of Jaxon. I didn't want it to be about cute outfit or props. Lfeave a comment!