Thursday, November 30, 2006

Baby Bunting!

Jaxon's best naps are always in his carseat after an outing! Doesn't he look sweet all bundled up for the cold weather!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Playing Outside!

Jaxon was having a rough time today, so I decided it was time to explore the great outdoors! He loved it! He forgot about the discomfort of teething and enjoyed life on the farm! We even visited the horses!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving from Our Little Turkey!

New Toy

I just had to buy this for Jaxon and he LOVES it! The only problem with it is that he thinks that when he is done playing with it, he can just stand up! It requires very close supervision! He likes to turn the little lamp on and off and move the hands on the little clock--what a Genius! (hmmmm could I be biased LOL)

Friday, November 10, 2006

New Hat from Momma

My Momma made me this hat last night at work! It helped keep her awake when things were quiet and I love it! I am such a lucky boy! My Momma will make you one too, all you have to do is ask!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Time With Jill & girls!

We spent time with Jill, Whitney and Ella last weekend. I forgot my camera, but did manage to get a shot with my phone. We had a great time, and Jaxon absoluely loved playing with the girls. He totally ignored his Mommy, and on the way home he decided he needed his Mommy fix and cried and cried. I stopped twice to try and make him happy. He would smile while I was with him, but would start crying as soon as I got back into the driver's seat! It was not the most fun trip home. He didn't even enjoy watching his beloved Baby Einstein DVDs (And I tried 2 different ones)!


It is four-thirty in the morning, and I have been up with Jaxon for over 2 hours! The first hour was spent trying to get him to go back to sleep, but I gave up! He has been hanging out on the floor and watching TV for the last hour! I sure hope the reason he is up is because he is teething, because I don't want to do this all the time!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Toe Sucker!

Fall Festival

WE spent last weekend in Omaha with my family. The kids all dressed up for the fall festival! It was so much fun!!